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Fear of Flying
Are you putting off a much needed holiday because you cannot bring yourself to set foot in an aircraft?
Do you feel anxious when the aircraft starts to bump around in rough air?
Does your imagination go into overdrive when you hear the aircraft make unfamiliar noises and convince yourself that the worst is about to happen?
Do you feel helpless and not in control when the aircraft is starting it's approach to land, made worse by not knowing what the pilots are doing?
Fear of flying is known as aerophobia, and is relatively common even though statistically speaking it is actually safer than traveling by car or train. It can often be linked to other phobias such as claustrophobia (fear of enclosed spaces) and acrophobia (fear of heights) and can often be triggered by a previous bad experience. For many people just the thought of flying can be enough to trigger symptoms which can start days before the actual day of your flight.
Flying used to be available only as a privilege or a treat, but thanks to competitive pricing and advancement in aviation systems, is now openly available to everyone. This has opened up the world for us in order to travel, explore, experience, enjoy and work. The downside to this, however, is that airports have become rather busy, hectic and stressful places and often very time consuming, adding hours onto your overall journey time. Another result of the demand to fly is that the aircraft have become larger in overall size, but smaller more cramped passenger seating, and with demand for airspace there are often delays in the queue for take-off. This can create much stress and anxiety before the aircraft has even taken to the air!
I have been a commercial airline pilot for over 25 years both on turboprops and jet aircraft, and have flown extensively throughout many parts of the world. Therefore I am very fortunate as to be able to help you overcome the anxieties associated with being a passenger in an aircraft both from your perspective and from a pilot's perspective. I am able to explain in detail what the pilots are doing at various stages of the flight, especially when they appear to do unusual or unexpected manoeuvres, e.g. stop suddenly on the runway during take-off or put full power on just as you were expecting to land, as well as to explain weather phenomena and the peculiar noises aircraft make at various stages of the journey.
Fortunately, the fear of flying is very treatable and responds very well to the types of Hypnotherapy that I am qualified in.
In general the methods and techniques I use are:
Identify negative and catastrophic thinking patterns and replace them with realistic helpful ones.
Identify the root cause.
Install, embed and rehearse positive behaviour and thinking through visualisation and repetition.
Teach you to recognise the situations or events that trigger the symptoms in order to pre-empt them and stop them before they have any impact.
Educate you about the flying process - from both sides of the cockpit door! :)