Change Your Story...
Become the Person You Want to Be...
Transform Your Life...
...becoming one with all

Let's Get This Process Started...
Please get in contact with me, either directly by mobile phone or email, or by submitting your query, with a brief message as to what you would like help with by clicking here.
I offer a free clarity call over the phone where we can briefly discuss the issue you want to address, and I can give you an idea of if, and how, I can help you, as well as answering any questions you may have. I will also give you information regarding the types of therapy that I offer, and we can discuss the various packages I have, and which one would be most suitable to help you with the issue you would like to resolve. I have options to pay upfront or a payment plan to spread the cost of a package. I have found that payment of a package works out cheaper for the client overall, and shows commitment to resolving the issue rather than paying for each individual session. However, if this feels more appropriate for you then I can also offer this method of payment.
If you are happy to proceed I will send you a welcome pack that contains some more information regarding Hypnosis and the specific therapies that I am trained in, as well as a Therapy Contract, T&Cs, etc.
We can then book a mutually convenient time to have our initial consultation session which generally takes between 1-11/2 hours. In this session we will start looking into what you would like to address in much more depth, discuss your primary objective, goals, and start the process of identifying specific areas to target for change. I will also aim (time permitting) to give you a brief introduction to hypnosis, as well as an opportunity for you to ask about any concerns or queries you may have concerning hypnosis.
After the initial consultation I will design a bespoke treatment plan, and our next session will generally be the initiation of the treatment process.
The number of sessions and timescale for treatment very much depends on which package you choose, which may be dictated by the issue you wish help with, your goals, and resources etc.
What to expect during the sessions...
Most of my sessions are either held in my therapy room, or done remotely using Zoom. However, if you live locally, and circumstances require it, it may be possible to meet at your own home.
The initial consultation session usually takes between one and one & half hours.
Most CBH sessions are approximately one & half hours long.
Most RTT sessions are approximately two & half hours long.
Please note that with CBH not every session will employ hypnosis. Parts of the therapy will be identifying specific target situations where the issues arise, identifying key negative cognitions to target for change, and develop alternative positive cognitions. Once we have established these positive cognitions we will use hypnosis, amongst other techniques, to install, rehearse and apply them so that they become part of your daily life.
During our time together our aims are for...
Us To Agree a Goal: Both parties to agree the same goal in order for you, the client, to make improvements and benefit from positive and progressive change throughout the therapeutic process. It will be my job to make sure your goal is realistic and achievable, and that your job is to maintain positive and realistic expectations.
Open Communication: Communication is key in order to properly understand what triggers and maintains the symptoms and what your current coping strategies are so that we can formulate an effective treatment plan. Therefore, throughout the process I shall be asking you lots of questions. I will always endeavour to ask appropriate questions and to apply sensitivity. However, I am human and as such may make some errors of judgement, therefore, please be sure to tell me if I have inadvertently said something that has offended or upset you, or doesn’t sit well with you. I want you to be reassured and feel empowered enough to be able to let me know if this has occurred.
A Judge-Free Zone: Everything discussed is totally confidential and received without judgement or criticism, and I wish to help you feel comfortable knowing that it is safe for you to express your thoughts, feelings or experiences regardless of what they are, safe in the knowledge that it can be said without the fear of being judged or shamed or criticised in any way. So please, feel free to talk without feeling inhibited.
Positive Mental Attitude: Please endeavour to maintain a positive optimistic attitude throughout our sessions together, and remain motivated to achieving your goal as this has a real impact on the successful outcome of any work we do.
Hypnotherapy is a wholly collaborative affair -
What I mean by that is that we work together as a team, both doing our part:
My part:
Through my methods and expertise I will listen, understand and provide insight as to what makes you react to certain situations the way you do.
I am here to guide and give you new skills, through my guidance I will help you become more aware of yourself, teach you coping skills and replace old habits.
Your part:
Is to follow my guidance, give me feedback, and continue the work, where applicable, outside of the therapy room in between sessions.
Come to each session highly motivated! Your motivation to succeed and the effort you put in will also be hugely influential in the success of the treatment.
The best way to approach it is to come to each session with an open mind, and to resist coming with pre-conceived ideas or expectations. It is far better to take each moment as it comes and to go with the flow!
Therefore, establishing a sound team ethos is fundamental to a successful outcome:
Think of our working relationship a bit like if you were to enter into a house where you used to live. The house has no power and so it is pitch black. It feels familiar, but you can’t quite remember where everything is. It’s a little outdated and disorganised and could do with a thorough declutter, getting rid of stuff that is no longer useful, and making space for new things that make you feel relaxed and positive. You were there to find something that you knew you had left in some drawer or cupboard, and to also transform it once more into a place where you can live contentedly.
However, you find walking in this old house in the dark a little scary and you are not sure exactly where or how to find what it is you are searching for in the dark. So I am here to guide and support you in seeking what it is you are looking for. So I will be holding the torch, lighting up the way for you, illuminating all the nooks and crannies, and helping you navigate your way through the dark until you find what it is you want. I am also there to help you reorganise and declutter, thereby helping you achieve your goal.
What am I expected to do while in Hypnosis?
If you have never been hypnotised before, or even if you have, hypnosis can be experienced in many different ways and therefore it is difficult to tell you specifically what to expect. What is one person's description of their experience can be vastly different to another person.
However, all you need to do is come to the session with an open mind and motivated to succeed.
Relax and Let Go: One of the secrets to the success of hypnosis is doing make-believe in the same way a small child goes about it. Just let go of all your grown-up mental images and ideas, forget all the rules, and just indulge your imagination! Hypnosis is a form of play, of make-believe. When you are doing make-believe you can “perform” any fantasy you can think of, or be anyone you want to be, and it feels like the real deal. Easier for some than others you might say! This may be true, however, being able to adopt a moment of relaxation, or even adopting the idea of relaxing, will make it easier to let go. The important thing is to not try too hard. Let things happen as they happen for you and allow yourself to indulge in imaginative play.
Follow the Suggestions using your Imagination: So now you have relaxed and let go. Now we must do something to occupy your mind. This is where hypnosis differs from meditation or falling asleep. Meditation is generally about slowing down the thought process, emptying the mind and creating deep relaxation without any further agenda. Falling asleep is succumbing to a level of unconsciousness. In hypnosis you are neither slowing your thought process, nor becoming unconscious. Hypnosis is a little more like daydreaming, or when you are totally absorbed in a book that you are reading, so much so, that as you read the words, you start to imagine the scene in your mind’s eye . These scenes become so real to you that it can have the same emotional effect on you as if you are actually there living and experiencing the scene that the words are describing…it may make you laugh or cry for example.
You are the Movie Director: There is an emphasis here on your imagination. The aim is for you to create an image of the idea being suggested to you, or the scene we wish to rehearse, and that it as you see it, which will be unique to you. This will allow the flow of images to come to you easily and naturally without having to overthink, or try too hard. This will also help to train your imaginative mind to thinking for itself. So feel free to translate any suggestions or images, and substitute any words, into your own words or images that are more meaningful and appropriate for you. You may even wish to add in your own details or adapt the scene to your way of thinking - feel free it’s your fantasy world, not mine!
….and Actor: If moving your arms or legs helps you to bring some reality to whatever you are role playing in your imagination, then all I can say is…”Lights, Camera, Action!”