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Horse Riding Confidence
  • Would you just love to jump your horse but the idea of his hooves leaving the ground fills you with fear?

  • Or maybe you long to join your friends out on a hack but are put off because the last time you went out you lost control of your horse?

  • Have you lost confidence because of a bad experience and now your horse plays up because it can sense your trepidation?

  • Or maybe you can work in harmony with your horse at home but you find it hard to control your nerves when you get to a competition?

Horse Riding

Riding a horse is easy, I mean you just sit on its back and give it a good kick, after all the horse is doing all the work isn't it?


Well how far from the truth is that statement?!


As horse riders, we know just how rewarding, but often very challenging it is to become at one with your equine partner. After all, they are not machines, and very much have a mind of their own that is quick and smart, and a nature that is most generous, but can also be frustratingly stubborn and seemingly unpredictable.

However, even after hundreds of years of evolution they still consider themselves prey ready to be pounced upon at any moment. Therefore they are ruled by their senses and are very adept at switching to 'fight or flight' mode at the drop of a hat...or the rustle of a crisp packet, and flight mode being the favoured choice 95% of the time!

Therefore it is not at all surprising that loss of confidence, fear and nerves, are common to most horse riders at some stage of their riding life. Ultimately it does not really matter if you face these emotions at the early stages of learning to ride, during your competitive life, or from a bad experience, because the results are very similar: we create a negative belief system and produce worrying thoughts that fuel the imagination into creating all sorts of bad scenarios leaving us full of fear and anxiety.

Unfortunately, horses being the finely tuned animals that they are will also be very aware of our emotions - sometimes better honed-in than we are ourselves - and become uncomfortable with our lack of authority and leadership, and will react by being 'naughty', 'spooky' and 'unco-operative'. Of course this only adds to our anxiousness, and often re-enforces our negative beliefs to a point where we are convinced it as truth. This sets up a vicious cycle that can be hard to break.


How Can I Help?


Well, the types of Hypnotherapy that I am trained in are ideally designed to do just that...break the vicious cycle:


  • Together we can discuss your fears and concerns, and identify your core beliefs, and better understand how your vicious cycle is created and maintained.

  • With this knowledge we will create new ways to think and build better, positive beliefs, and other ways to break the negative cycle, including the use of relaxation techniques.

  • Using imagery and rehearsal techniques we incorporate, enhance, and install these new positive ways which are made all the more effective by the use of hypnosis.


I have been involved with horses most of my life, and have competed in many disciplines including Eventing, Show Jumping and Dressage, both affiliated as well as unaffiliated. Therefore I can understand the unique relationship that can exist between a person and their horse along with the challenges that are involved if we are to make this relationship one of harmony and enjoyment. 



Helen Usoro   Dip.CBH  RTTP  C.Hyp  GQHP

All For One



Moray IV30 8RW


Tel: + 44 7828 009034



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