Change Your Story...
Become the Person You Want to Be...
Transform Your Life...
...becoming one with all

My Approach
"It is my belief that everyone has the ability, with the right help, guidance, and support, to change what you can in your life, and to learn skills to cope with that which you can’t change. Simply being shown how you think, how you react in a given situation, and what feelings and emotions are evoked by real or imaginary events, can open up a whole new self-awareness. With this new awareness forms the basis for fundamental changes to your core beliefs and helps you to view yourself and others around you in a more positive light."
I hear it all the time from people facing problems, or simply making a statement about themselves..."I'll never be able to do that,".."I always do this,"..."I'm never any good at.."..BUT the truth is you have the ability to change these beliefs you have about yourself, these labels that you attach to yourself!
Much of how we view ourselves and the world around us stems from what we have heard, been subjected to, and the things we have experienced from a young age and throughout our life. If you hear or are told something often enough, especially if delivered with emotion, then we start to believe that it must be true. (Think of the power of the media!)
For example, if you are told that snakes are scary and frightening, and see other people react in a scared manner whenever they encounter one, their reaction coupled with what you've heard, will create and reinforce your belief that you think all snakes are dangerous and to be avoided, without necessarily ever having had your own encounter with one!
...I can help you change beliefs like this, and many other stories you tell yourself, ones that you are aware of, as well as those hidden from your conscious self. My aim is to give you the idea that you do not have to accept that who you are and how you react to the world around you is set for life, and that with the right help and guidance you can erase unhelpful ways of thinking, bad habits and limiting beliefs that are holding you back, and replace these with powerful new ways to see yourself and install a whole new skill set.
We all have within us the ability to be whoever we wish to be, to create our own blueprint of life, my transformational therapy simply shows you how.
So why not go ahead now and start to change your story, become the person you want to be, and transform your life?

Specialist Therapy Options
Once And For All
One session smoking cessation
Free Clarity Call: 20-30 mins
Focussed One Session: 2 hrs approx.
Reinforcement Audio
Optional Follow-up Session: 1-1½ hrs
Detox/Healing Audio
Costs: Focussed Session £110
Follow-up Session £70
Mind The Gut
Mind/Gut directed hypnotherapy for IBS.
Based on specific therapeutic techniques for managing and controlling IBS related symptoms, as well as reducing stress and anxiety.
Timescale: 6-8 wks
Free Clarity Call: 20-30 mins
Initial Consultation: 1-1½ hrs
Relaxation Audio
Sessions: 1-1½ hrs
Reinforcement Audio
Healing Audio
Costs: Initial Consultation £70
All Therapy Sessions £70
(Weekly payment plan an option)
Inside Out
Weight Management Programme
Designed to manage your weight and body image goals by focusing on your beliefs, thoughts and relationships with the food you eat.
Timescale: 12 wks
Free Clarity Call: 20-30 mins
Initial Consultation: 1-1½ hrs
Relaxation Audio
Sessions: 1-2 hrs
Transformational Audio
Detox/Healing Audio
Costs: Initial Consultation £70
All Therapy Sessions £70
(Weekly payment plan an option)